We're the Cottle's! As business owners and coaches, we've seen so many Christian entrepreneurs struggle to make money and grow in business and life.

We've found that the faith community teaches you to give, but not produce. The personal development world teaches you to make money, but not how to be fulfilled. What are our options? Make money and lose your soul or give all your money away and be poor. Something was missing, so we created 7Peaks to help people thrive in 7 areas of their life so they can be both fulfilled and prosperous.

Having built over 10 businesses between the two of us (5 were failures) and a background in ministry/non-profit work, we've taken everything we learned through our wins and losses to provide a solution for Christian entrepreneurs and aspiring leaders in the world.

We live in beautiful San Diego with our Husky, Zeus where we enjoy some of the most beautiful hikes, mountains and surf southern California has to offer.